Alison Lubar

To sprout a lemon seed,


you have to free it
of its fruit. Rinsing
in a loveless sieve
will do,
……………………but the best
way is to keep
……… in your mouth
for a full……….three minutes,

………….until each sour molecule

………….not to swallow. Safe-
guard this……..nascent

………….promise. Keep turning
against your teeth, tongue-

………….probe every divot until you’re left
with the bitter wrinkled pit, until

this acrid hope knows its first taste of
…………rain………………was from you.




Alison Lubar is a queer, nonbinary femme of color whose life work has evolved into bringing mindfulness practices, and sometimes even poetry, to young people. Their debut chapbook, Philosophers Know Nothing About Love, is forthcoming with Thirty West Publishing in Spring 2022.