Volume .005 | Poetry At best the heart seeks only / to know it is still here. Still breaking windows / with its careless aim. Will still be here tomorrow. from “Clairvoyance” – Zachary Kluckman Contents Janet Belding Graveyard of Trees Alex Braxlavsky Border Patrol Seven Hens j t connor silence: could you imagine? the spectacular human condition ov the ordinary housefly Savannah Cooper In Memoriam Blind Faith Eartha Davis òran gaoil Laura Useche De la Cruz Triptico + 2 collages Charles Haddox Edifice Zachary Kluckman Eternal Clairvoyance BEE LB the definition of home is the begining of the end starts again Kayla O’Meara wolf goldenrod wood Serena Rodriguez This I Know is True Mack Rogers i have seen the end of the universe I hope this message finds you well. Elly Luisa Salah Baba Ganoush Nico Santana Post-wake Meal Mary Simmons Instinct Loren Walker Taking space Kenton K. Yee Two Paper Bags from San Francisco Steven O. Young, Jr. Creating Dialogue