Micro Book Reviews are up to 300 words. We publish LOST & FOUND reviews. We do not pay for micro-reviews at this time.
A LOST REVIEW is a review of a book one might consider “lost” or overlooked. I.E. – You stumble on a 1973 noir thriller in paperback that you totally dig and want to review. Go for it! Usually, lost reviews will be of works five or more years old. We encourage reviewers to uncover and share a treasure that others have not yet seen–we are less likely to publish reviews of works or authors that have already received significant attention or are part of the traditional American or Western canon.
A FOUND REVIEW is a review of a new-ish or soon-to-be released work. We define “newish” as having been published in the last four years.
We accept reviews of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, chapbooks, user manuals, travel guides, car manuals, encyclopedias, etc.
In very rare cases, we accept book reviews that exceed 300 words.
Please include the book title, year published, publisher, and ISBN, if available.